

Throughout the ages there have been many modalities of teachings surrounding the understanding of the chakra system and how to align, balance, and maintain the flow of these energy systems. For the sake of this course we are going to focus on the seven main chakras and the most commonly accepted ideas about the chakras from both a historic and scientific perspective.

“CHAKRA” is a Sanskrit word which translates to “spinning wheel of light”. Each of the seven main chakras are subtle energy centers that are located along the spine and each chakra is associated with energies that manifest in your life experience in many different ways.

“ENERGY” is a word that is thrown around very liberally in self-help and spiritual circles these days, but for the sake of this course we will be adopting a metaphysical interpretation of the concept of energy and come to understand that ENERGY IS EVERYTHING ….and LIKE ENERGY ATTRACTS AND AFFECTS LIKE ENERGY. Our approach to the teachings of the chakra energy systems are most consistently related to the historic views of the Hindu and Western Models of chakra energy.

It is first and foremost essential to realize that everything in our known (and unknown) universe is comprised of energy. If you were to employ a strong enough microscope you would observe that all that we perceive as matter is actually assembled energy that is vibrating at a frequency that translates to our human senses as solid matter. Your hand, your chair, an apple, bright light, darkness, sounds, thoughts, feelings, foods, smells, EVERYTHING that we experience is, at its most basic form, molecules of energy that are vibrating at a specific frequency. When a molecule of energy that is vibrating at a specific frequency is exposed to other molecules of energy that are vibrating at specific frequencies, their vibrations affect the vibrations and frequencies of each other. And so, there are many very practical ways to use specific vibrations in order to affect the energy of our chakras (spinning wheels of light) to the desired outcome of better quality of life experience!

To demonstrate how vibrations can affect each other, this video of a table of metronomes all set at different speeds, eventually meet in a synchronized ‘like vibration’.

Now, with a basic introduction of how energy affects energy…let’s learn about some of the energy that has been associated with our first chakra…the root chakra!

The first chakra is the Root Chakra (Muludhara in Sanskrit)


  • Location : At the base of the spine.

  • The aspects of the Root Chakra are security, stability, and basic needs.

  • The organs related to Root Chakra are skeletal structure, bones, and adrenal glands.

  • To balance the Root Chakra we can use tools like COLOUR, ESSENTIAL OILS, CRYSTALS,FOOD, MEDITATION, AND YOGA

COLOUR: The colour of the Root Chakra is RED! Just like EVERYTHING in the Universe …colour is an energy and we can shift our vibration and energetic body by adjusting our energy! If you’re feeling imbalanced, insecure, unstable, or that your basic needs are not being met, surround yourself with the colour red. Wear red, accessorize your work area with red, even just a tiny touch can shift the energy around you.

ESSENTIAL OILS: Essential oils have been used in healing and bringing balance into our bodies for centuries. The essential oils associated with balancing the Root Chakra are Cedarwood, Frankinsense, Black Pepper, Patchouli, Spikenard, Vetiver, Myrrh, and Sandalwood. All of these oils can be diffused or used topically with a carrier oil.

CRYSTALS: Some of the best stones attributed with balancing the Root Chakra are Red Jasper, Smoky Quartz, and Hematite. You can place these crystals in your home or work space, carry them in your pocket or wear jewelry made with them.

FOOD: You know the saying “You are what you eat!” And food, like essentials oils, have been used to heal people for centuries. Foods that are associated with bringing balance to the Root Chakra are many times RED in colour. Apples, red cherries, beets, red grapes, red cabbage, and also root vegetables such as turnips and radishes.

MEDITATION: Mantras hold energy that helps to bring balance to our energy centers. The sound “LAM” is the sound directly associated with the Root Chakra and can be chanted during meditation.

The root chakra is associated with basic needs and primal survival. When in balance you will feel safe, secure, grounded, and an overall sense of well-being. If the root chakra is out of balance you will feel insecure, chaotic, and a sense of not being safe.

When the root chakra is not in balance you may experience some of the following physical conditions:

  • Digestive issues

  • Eating disorders

  • Fatigue

  • Back pain

  • Increased anxiety

  • Negativity

  • Pessimism

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Low self-esteem

  • Clumsiness

Experiment with using the foods, essential oils, crystals, and colours associated with the root chakra to allow their energies to bring the energy of your root chakra into a balanced state. We are including several tools below to help you in finding balance in your root chakra.


Excerpted from Chakra Wisdom by Deborah King

∆ Key root chakra issues are safety and trust.

  • Do I feel safe in new places or with new people?

  • Do I feel unwelcome in groups?

  • Am I nervous all the time?

  • What are my excessive fears or phobias?

∆ Do I have any of the following conditions?

  • Eating disorders or malnourishment

  • Adrenal insufficiency

  • Problems with feet, legs, or coccyx

  • Rectal or colon cancer

  • Spinal problems

  • Immune-related disorders

  • Osteoporosis or other bone disorders

  • Sluggish immune system

What emotions or past experiences do I feel may have contributed to this problem?

∆ Am I disorganized in my personal space or work habits or neglectful of my body?

  • Do I pay my bills on time?

  • Do things fall out of my closet when I open it?

  • In what ways am I resistant to changing my habits?


for external use only


  • 2 tbsp carrier oil (such as coconut oil, jojoba oil, etc.)

  • 3 drops sandalwood essential oil

  • 2 drops frankincense essential oil

  • 1 drop patchouli essential oil

Add all ingredients to a dark glass dropper or essential oil roller and massage the oil onto your lower back, the soles of your feet, your temples, or wrists as needed.


Once you’ve finished your meditation, take out your journal and free write for about ten to fifteen minutes on any experiences you had during the mediation.



Save and print out the image below and color with vibrant reds as you meditate on feeling grounded, rooted, and secure.