The throat chakra is the first of the upper ‘spiritual’ chakras. The root, sacral, and solar plexus making up the ‘grounding’ or ‘body’ chakras, then the heart chakra forms the bridge to the upper three ‘spiritual’ chakras; the throat, third eye, and crown.
When balanced the throat chakra has been called the ‘mouth of God’, and it has been believed for centuries to have been associated with speaking and hearing divine guidance and inspiration. When in balance we have the capacity for creative expression and speak from a place that is rooted directly from our morals and integrity.
When out of balance you may feel that no one listens to you or that it is difficult to speak your truth. You may feel unheard, or you may feel the need to talk over someone to get your point across. When the throat chakra is imbalanced you may experience the following physical symptoms:
Speech impediments including stuttering and lisps
Sore throat or laryngitis
Jaw or mouth pain
Throat infections
Sores in mouth
Hearing issues
Ear infections
Neck pain
Thyroid disorders
Hormonal imbalances
The fifth chakra is the Throat Chakra (Vishuddha in Sanskrit)
Location : Throat.
The aspects of the Throat Chakra are communication and self-expression.
The organs related to Throat Chakra are Laryngeal nerve plexus, vocal cords, mouth, throat, ears, thyroid, and parathyroid glands.
To balance the Throat Chakra we can use tools like COLOUR, ESSENTIAL OILS, CRYSTALS, FOOD, and MEDITATION.
COLOUR: Blue. If you’re feeling imbalanced, a sense of being unheard or feeling like your opinions, ideas, and thoughts don’t matter, OR if you’re talking a little too much without hearing and validating those around you, surround yourself with the colour blue. Wear blue, accessorize your work area with blue, even just a tiny touch can shift the energy around you.
ESSENTIAL OILS: Essential oils have been used in healing and bringing balance into our bodies for centuries. The essential oils associated with balancing the Throat Chakra are basil, bergamot, chamomile, cypress, juniper, peppermint, and sandalwood. All of these oils can be diffused or used topically with a carrier oil.
CRYSTALS: Some of the best stones attributed with balancing the Throat Chakra are lapis lazuli, aquamarine, sodalite, and apatite. You can place these crystals in your home or work space, carry them in your pocket or wear jewelry made with them.
FOOD: For the throat chakra, think healing and soothing foods and liquids such as coconut water, herbal teas, raw honey, and lemon. Fruit that grows on trees such as apples, pears, and plums are also known to be excellent at healing this chakra.
MEDITATION: Mantras hold energy that helps to bring balance to our energy centers. The sound “HAM” is the sound directly associated with the Throat Chakra and can be chanted during meditation.
This week we are including some additional reading to help you to begin to see how using knowledge of your chakras and an understanding of the state that they may be in (balanced/imbalanced) can help you to begin to purposefully elevate your consciousness!
∆ Do I have any of these conditions?
TMJ disorder in the jaw or clenched jaw
Swollen glands in the throat
Throat cancer
A tendency to choke or gag
Neck problems
Chronic childhood tonsillitis or ear infections
Hypo- or hyperthyroidism
Thyroid cancer
Grave’s disease
Chronic sinus problems
Any disorder of the throat, voice, mouth, teeth, or gums
Frequent pain in the cervical vertebrae or shoulders
What emotions or past experiences do I feel may have contributed to this problem?
∆ Do I talk too much or too loudly? Or stutter? Do I have trouble being quiet? Am I excessively shy? Do I have a fear of public speaking or speaking at all? What is my throat chakra trying to tell me?
∆ Do I tell the truth? What little white lies do I think are alright? Do I carry through on what I say I will do?
∆ Am I able to hear and act on inner Guidance? Am I a good listener?
2 tbsp carrier oil (such as coconut oil, jojoba oil, etc.)
2 drops eucalyptus essential oil
2 drops peppermint essential oil
1 drop clove essential oil
1 drop tea-tree essential oil
Add all ingredients to a dark glass dropper or essential oil roller and massage the oil onto your neck and throat. Inhale directly as needed. (For external use only)
art therapy for throat chakra
Save and print out the image below and color with vibrant blues as you meditate on feeling heard, understood, and validated.