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There are many chakra systems found from different cultures all around the world. For the sake of this course we will be focusing on the seven main chakras found in the Hindu tradition. We will be exploring the names, aspects, locations, and how they may affect our health, bodies, emotions, and overall well being.
For each chakra we will be exploring how by using colour, food, sound, and body movement - we can help to find balance and harmony in our daily lives.
The first chakra is the Root Chakra (Muludhara in Sanskrit)
Location : At the base of the spine.
The aspects of the Root Chakra are security, stability, and basic needs.
The organs related to Root Chakra are skeletal structure, bones, and adrenal glands.
To balance the Root Chakra we can use tools like COLOUR, ESSENTIAL OILS, CRYSTALS,FOOD, MEDITATION, AND YOGA
COLOUR: The colour of the Root Chakra is RED! Just like EVERYTHING in the Universe …colour is an energy and we can shift our vibration and energetic body by adjusting our energy! If you’re feeling imbalanced, insecure, unstable, or that your basic needs are not being met, surround yourself with the colour red. Wear red, accessorize your work area with red, even just a tiny touch can shift the energy around you.
ESSENTIAL OILS: Essential oils have been used in healing and bringing balance into our bodies for centuries. The essential oils associated with balancing the Root Chakra are Cedarwood, Frankinsense, Black Pepper, Patchouli, Spikenard, Vetiver, Myrrh, and Sandalwood. All of these oils can be diffused or used topically with a carrier oil.
CRYSTALS: Some of the best stones attributed with balancing the Root Chakra are Red Jasper, Smoky Quartz, and Hematite. You can place these crystals in your home or work space, carry them in your pocket or wear jewelry made with them.
FOOD: You know the saying “You are what you eat!” And food, like essentials oils, have been used to heal people for centuries. Foods that are associated with bringing balance to the Root Chakra are many times RED in colour. Apples, red cherries, beets, red grapes, red cabbage, and also root vegetables such as turnips and radishes.
MEDITATION: Mantras hold energy that helps to bring balance to our energy centers. The sound “LAM” is the sound directly associated with the Root Chakra and can be chanted during meditation.
The second chakra is the Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana in Sanksrit means One’s own dwelling)
Location : The area just above the pelvic bone and underneath the belly button in the lower abdomen.
The aspects of the Sacral Chakra are creativity, sexuality/sensuality, Self Esteem, Self Control, feeling aligned with a life’s purpose, and emotional body.
The organs related to Sacral Chakra are Bladder, Prostate, Womb, Reproductive Organs, and kidneys.
To balance the Sacral Chakra we can use tools like COLOUR, ESSENTIAL OILS, CRYSTALS,FOOD, MEDITATION, AND YOGA
COLOUR: Orange. If you’re feeling imbalanced, lack of creativity, unstable in your emotional body, or that your sexual energy is feeling off, surround yourself with the colour orange. Wear orange, accessorize your work area with orange, even just a tiny touch can shift the energy around you.
ESSENTIAL OILS: Essential oils have been used in healing and bringing balance into our bodies for centuries. The essential oils associated with balancing the Sacral Chakra are Ylang-Ylang, Orange, Jasmine, Neroli, Lavender, and Cardamom. All of these oils can be diffused or used topically with a carrier oil.
CRYSTALS: Some of the best stones attributed with balancing the Sacral Chakra are Amber, Sunstone, Tiger’s Eye, and Carnelian. You can place these crystals in your home or work space, carry them in your pocket or wear jewelry made with them.
FOOD: You know the saying “You are what you eat!” And food, like essentials oils, have been used to heal people for centuries. Foods that are associated with bringing balance to the Sacral Chakra are many times Orange in colour. Carrots, oranges, papayas, mangos, peaches, cantaloupe, and nuts and seeds.
MEDITATION: Mantras hold energy that helps to bring balance to our energy centers. The sound “VAM” is the sound directly associated with the Sacral Chakra and can be chanted during meditation.
The third chakra is the Solar Plexus (Manipura in Sanskrit)
Location : Between the naval and base of the sternum.
The aspects of the Solar Plexus Chakra are to provide momentum to move forward and realize personal desires and intentions in the world. The Solar Plexus Chakra plays a fundamental role in the development of ones’ own personal sense of power.
The organs related to Solar Plexus Chakra are digestive organs and system, along with the immune and nervous systems.
To balance the Solar Plexus Chakra we can use tools like COLOUR, ESSENTIAL OILS, CRYSTALS,FOOD, MEDITATION, AND YOGA
COLOUR: Yellow. If you’re feeling imbalanced, lack of motivation or will power, or a general sense of feeling powerless in your life or circumstances, surround yourself with the colour yellow. Wear yellow, accessorize your work area with yellow, even just a tiny touch can shift the energy around you.
ESSENTIAL OILS: Essential oils have been used in healing and bringing balance into our bodies for centuries. The essential oils associated with balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra are chamomile, lemon, bergamot, cedarwood, and rosemary. All of these oils can be diffused or used topically with a carrier oil.
CRYSTALS: Some of the best stones attributed with balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra are citrine, tiger’s eye, and yellow tourmaline. You can place these crystals in your home or work space, carry them in your pocket or wear jewelry made with them.
FOOD: You know the saying “You are what you eat!” And food, like essentials oils, have been used to heal people for centuries. Foods that are associated with bringing balance to the Solar Plexus Chakra are many times yellow in colour. Lemons, bananas, pineapples, corn, and yellow curry are some examples.
MEDITATION: Mantras hold energy that helps to bring balance to our energy centers. The sound “RAM” is the sound directly associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra and can be chanted during meditation.
The fourth chakra is the Heart Chakra (Anahata in Sanskrit)
Location : Center of chest, heart space.
The aspects of the Heart Chakra are love and relationships. These relationships can be with self, others, or with Divine Love.
The organs related to Heart Chakra are cardiac nerve plexus, respiratory and cardiac systems, and thymus gland.
To balance the Heart Chakra we can use tools like COLOUR, ESSENTIAL OILS, CRYSTALS,FOOD, MEDITATION, AND YOGA
COLOUR: Green. If you’re feeling imbalanced, lack of compassion, judgement, or lack of forgiveness surround yourself with the colour green. Wear green, accessorize your work area with green, even just a tiny touch can shift the energy around you.
ESSENTIAL OILS: Essential oils have been used in healing and bringing balance into our bodies for centuries. The essential oils associated with balancing the Heart Chakra are rose, lavender, neroli, jasmine, helichrysum, and bergamot. All of these oils can be diffused or used topically with a carrier oil.
CRYSTALS: Some of the best stones attributed with balancing the Heart Chakra are jade, green calcite, green tourmaline, green aventurine, and rose quartz. You can place these crystals in your home or work space, carry them in your pocket or wear jewelry made with them.
FOOD: You know the saying “You are what you eat!” And food, like essentials oils, have been used to heal people for centuries. Foods that are associated with bringing balance to the Heart Chakra are many times green in colour. Leafy and cruciferous vegetables such as kale, broccoli, spinach, celery, cucumber, zucchini, green tea, avocado, lime, mint, peas, etc… are some examples.
MEDITATION: Mantras hold energy that helps to bring balance to our energy centers. The sound “YAM” is the sound directly associated with the Heart Chakra and can be chanted during meditation.
The fifth chakra is the Throat Chakra (Vishuddha in Sanskrit)
Location : Throat.
The aspects of the Throat Chakra are communication and self-expression.
The organs related to Throat Chakra are Laryngeal nerve plexus, vocal cords, mouth, throat, ears, thyroid, and parathyroid glands.
To balance the Throat Chakra we can use tools like COLOUR, ESSENTIAL OILS, CRYSTALS, FOOD, and MEDITATION.
COLOUR: Blue. If you’re feeling imbalanced, a sense of being unheard or feeling like your opinions, ideas, and thoughts don’t matter, OR if you’re talking a little too much without hearing and validating those around you, surround yourself with the colour blue. Wear blue, accessorize your work area with blue, even just a tiny touch can shift the energy around you.
ESSENTIAL OILS: Essential oils have been used in healing and bringing balance into our bodies for centuries. The essential oils associated with balancing the Throat Chakra are basil, bergamot, chamomile, cypress, juniper, peppermint, and sandalwood. All of these oils can be diffused or used topically with a carrier oil.
CRYSTALS: Some of the best stones attributed with balancing the Throat Chakra are lapis lazuli, aquamarine, sodalite, and apatite. You can place these crystals in your home or work space, carry them in your pocket or wear jewelry made with them.
FOOD: For the throat chakra, think healing and soothing foods and liquids such as coconut water, herbal teas, raw honey, and lemon. Fruit that grows on trees such as apples, pears, and plums are also known to be excellent at healing this chakra.
MEDITATION: Mantras hold energy that helps to bring balance to our energy centers. The sound “HAM” is the sound directly associated with the Throat Chakra and can be chanted during meditation.
This week we are including some additional reading to help you to begin to see how using knowledge of your chakras and an understanding of the state that they may be in (balanced/imbalanced) can help you to begin to purposefully elevate your consciousness!
This sixth chakra is the Third Eye Chakra (Ajna in Sanskrit)
Location : Above and between the eyebrows.
The aspects of the Third Eye Chakra are perception and self-realization.
The organs related to Third Eye Chakra are medulla plexus, the pituitary gland, and eyes.
To balance the Third Eye Chakra we can use tools like COLOUR, ESSENTIAL OILS, CRYSTALS, FOOD, MEDITATION, and YOGA.
COLOUR: Indigo/Purple. If you’re feeling imbalanced, a sense of being unfocused, lack of concentration, lack of keeping cool under pressure, or fearful of the unkown, surround yourself with the colour indigo/purple. Wear these colours, accessorize your work area with shades of these colours, even just a tiny touch can shift the energy around you.
ESSENTIAL OILS: Essential oils have been used in healing and bringing balance into our bodies for centuries. The essential oils associated with balancing the Third Eye Chakra are frankincense, helichrysum, sandalwood, juniper, and spikenard.
CRYSTALS: The most common stone attributed with balancing the Third Eye Chakra is amethyst. You can place this crystal in your home or work space, carry them in your pocket or wear jewelry made with them.
FOOD: Foods that are associated with this chakra are often purple in colour. The foods associated with the Third Eye Chakra are grapes, aubergine/egg plant, purple kale, purple sweet potatoes, and purple cabbage. These foods will boost and balance your Third Eye Chakra.
MEDITATION: Mantras hold energy that helps to bring balance to our energy centers. The sound “Sham” is the sound directly associated with the Third Eye Chakra and can be chanted during meditation.
The seventh chakra is the Crown Chakra (Sahasrara in Sanskrit)
Location : Top of the head.
The aspect of the Crown Chakra is Spirituality and connection with the Divine.
The organs related to the Crown Chakra are upper skull, cerebral cortex, and the pineal gland.
To balance the Crown Chakra we can use tools like COLOUR, ESSENTIAL OILS, CRYSTALS, FOOD, and MEDITATION.
COLOUR: The colours associated with balancing the Crown Chakra are White, Violet, and Gold. If you’re feeling imbalanced, a sense of being disconnected from Source Energy, Universe, God, The Divine (whichever term you feel most comfortable using) surround yourself with the colours White, Violet, and Gold. Wear these colours, accessorize your work area with shades of these colours, even just a tiny touch can shift the energy around you.
ESSENTIAL OILS: Essential oils have been used in healing and bringing balance into our bodies for centuries. The essential oils associated with balancing the Crown Chakra are frankincense, lavender, lime, cedar wood, and vetiver.
CRYSTALS: The most common stones attributed with balancing the Crown Chakra are, again amethyst, clear quartz, and moon stone. You can place these crystals in your home or work space, carry them in your pocket or wear jewelry made with them.
FOOD: In the place of what we would usually consider ‘food’ that is used as tools to help find balance with the Crown Chakra, we focus our attention on purified water, air, prayer, and meditation. When working with this chakra we focus on ‘feeding’ our souls and spiritual practice.
MEDITATION: Mantras hold energy that helps to bring balance to our energy centers. The sound “Om” (sometimes spelled AUM) is the sound directly associated with the Crown Chakra and can be chanted during meditation.