Module Eight
Up until this point we have been examining the elements and how we could call upon their individual energies to aid us in our energy work. Many traditions of magick include envoking on all of the energies using their corresponding directions while performing rites. This is usually done during the casting of the circle and is called “Calling the Quarters”.
The circle can be viewed as your Holy Temple and is the space where you can come to meditate, reflect, perform ritual, commune with ancestors and deities, etc. Calling the Quarters has traditionally been an act of setting a protective boundary inside your circle.
While you don’t necessarily need any tools to cast a circle or call the quarters, it can be, from time to time, quite fun to be a little more elaborate and dramatic in performing rites, especially on occasions such as group ritual, holy days marking the turning of the wheel of the year, or even when you want to impress your ally spiritual support team! (Think of it like taking out the fine china!)
Below is a script that is commonly used to cast a circle and call the quarters in Wiccan tradition and employs the use of tools. If you do not have the tools feel free to improvise!
Set your tools on the floor or on your altar or work table. Each ingredient will be facing one of the directions:
• North, the Element Earth: A bowl of salt will represent this element.
• South, the Element Fire: A white candle will symbolize Fire.
• West, the Element Water: A glass of water will symbolize it.
• East, the Element Air: Light some incense and place it facing East.Take your athame or wand in your dominant hand. Stand up facing East. Take 3 deep breaths.
Raise your tool towards East. Say:
"Guardians of the watchtower of the East, I do summon, stir, and call you up to protect me in my rite. Breathe into me the spirit of the pure joy of life."Turn clockwise to face South. Say:
"Guardians of the watchtower of the South, I do summon, stir, and call you up to protect me in my rite. Kindle within me the flame of spiritual awakening."Turn to face West. Say:
"Guardians of the watchtower of the West, I do summon, stir, and call you up to protect me in my rite. Water my deepest roots that I may find peace of mind."Turn to face North. Say:
"Guardians of the watchtower of the North, I do summon, stir, and call you up to protect me in my rite. Nourish me so that my hopes may grow to fruition."Raise both arms above your head and say:
“I conceive this Circle as a place of contemplation and protection. Blessed by the God and Goddess. So mote it be!”