Module Fifteen
One form of divination that can be performed with very little tools or accoutrement is Capnomancy. Capnomancy is the reading of smoke from fire and has been found in records dating back to ancient Babylonia and is also found in Ancient Greek, and Celtic rituals.
It has become a common practice with the rise in popularity of candle magick in recent years and it is a great way to get a two-for-one, more bang for your buck, use out of your magick tools (in this case candles)! So, why not dress your candle with the herbs required for your spell or intention work, and then sit back and read the smoke that your candle produces as it burns down? Many use this as a way to predict the efficacy of the spell that was just cast.
Another popular way to divine smoke is through libanomancy, which is the same concept as capnomancy, but instead of smoke from a fire you are reading smoke from incense.
Popular blogger and spiritual teacher The Peculiar Brunette breaks down the process of practicing capnomancy and Libanomancy perfectly on her blog:
Create a Sacred Space
Find a calm and quiet place where you can focus without distractions.
Cleanse your space in your method of choice
Take a few deep breaths to clear your mind and connect with yourself
Ask Your Question
• Create a clear and specific yes or no question you want to know
• Hold your question in your mind or say it softly to yourself
• Remember, the question guides the reading, so make it clear
Focus on the Smoke’s Movement
• Light your chosen incense or loose herbs and let them start to produce smoke
• Watch how the smoke moves—does it rise quickly or slowly? Does it twist and turn gently or dance wildly?
• Notice any patterns, curls, or shapes the smoke forms. Observe any smells or changes in its behavior
• It’s important to note you should always consider non-magical meanings before spiritual ones. Is there a fan on in your room or an open window creating a breeze? Always consider the mundane before the magical to keep your readings accurate!
Smoke Reading Meanings
• If the smoke rises straight and strong, that’s a positive answer or a YES
• (Basically, if the smoke rises up, it goes straight to the Universe or the heavens. This is a good sign showing there’s no resistance)
• If the smoke breaks apart or seems to struggle to move upward, that means NO
• (Essentially, if the smoke won’t rise to the Universe or the heavens, this is a sign of challenges)
• If the smoke travels down to the ground or stays near the base of the incense, this is considered a warning to change the path you’re on
• Remember to connect with your intuition and feelings as you observe the smoke. Similar to practicing scrying or doing an egg cleanse, you want to look for any images in the smoke.
• Do you see numbers, spirals, symbols, shapes, or animals? Those messages are meant directly for you, and only you’ll know what they mean! Trust your intuition!
• Listen for any faint crackling or hissing sounds because the smoke might be telling you something.
• The aroma of the smoke can also carry meaning. Reflect on how it makes you feel.
• Pay attention to the time, because sometimes the way the smoke behaves at specific moments can be meaningful
Record and Reflect Your Observations
• Keep a journal or a notebook handy to write down your observations and interpretations. (However, I like to record myself so I can just say things out loud that I can write in my grimoire later)
• Reflect on the messages you saw in the smoke. How do they relate to your question?
• Just like with candle wax readings, you must consider the broader symbolism and potential guidance the smoke has given you, and thank it for its help.
In Conclusion
• Remember, smoke divination is a form of connecting with the spiritual otherworld. Each reading is unique and personal.
• Over time, you’ll develop your own understanding of the smoke’s language and meanings.
• Take what resonates with you and leave behind what doesn’t. Your intuition is your guide.