Module Five
In part one, our focus was to identify our beliefs around our own personal power and how those beliefs have shaped our concept or perception of the power that we yield over our daily lives. Over the course of the next four modules we will be focusing on elemental energies and how to align with these energies to amplify our personal power for the purpose of our psychic energy work.
The elements of Fire, Water, Earth, and Air each represent a different energy that can be used to enhance your magical workings once you learn to marry the energy of the element, the goal of the energy work, and the intention projected by your personal power.
For example: The element of Fire can be a powerful ally in the burning away of stagnant belief systems or removing unwanted circumstances; however, Fire can also be used to transmute and purify, or amp up one’s sex life. It is important to determine the intended goal and then choose your ally energies and plan your energy working rituals accordingly.
If I were to create a ritual around summoning money, I may want to first align my personal power with the energy of Fire to burn away any belief systems, that I may have, that I am not worthy of having the money that I desire. I may write down all of the beliefs that I hold that keep me stagnant, in the context of material possessions, and then burn the paper.
Next, I could call on the elemental energy of Water to facilitate the FLOW of money into my life circumstance.
In the ancient art of medicine known as Ayurveda, it is believed that the world is comprised of elemental energies including — aakash (space), jala (water), prithvi (earth), teja (fire), and vayu (air) and each person has all of these elements in their making. A person’s unique ratio of vata, kapha, and pitta is said to define their Ayurvedic constitution, a blueprint to achieve optimal health.
It can be useful to identify each of the elemental energies as existing in our genetic makeup already, and when we call on the element of Fire, Water, Earth, or Air, we are in essence, calling on that part of our psyche to assist in doing the work before us. For some, this concept is less abstract than calling on energy from the fire, air, water, and earth themselves as we can identify those elements in our own self.
For others, it resonates more palpably to call on actual fire, water, earth, and air outside of themselves, especially if one doesn’t have a healthy perspective of their own sense of personal power. For this reason it is common in some traditions, such as Wicca, to have representations of the elements on your alter - cauldron (fire), feather, fan, or incense (air), chalice (water), and salt (earth).
Whichever source of the elemental energy you draw upon is completely up to you. Whether you view the fire as part of your subconscious or you actually light a fire in your energy working rituals, the essence of the energy is the same and is directed by your intention.
Today we will focus on the elements of Fire and Water:
“The fire element is often seen as a symbol of love, desire, anger, power, strength, assertiveness, light, and energy. It is also seen as a symbol of transformation due to its ability to change food into an energy, ideas into action, and offerings made into the spiritual fire into smoke.” — Ashish
The element of Water is symbolized by the chalice, a tool often used in ritual and spellwork and the suit of Cups in Tarot. In terms of magical properties, Water is associated with healing, intuition, emotion, and psychic ability.
Calling on the elements (in this case Fire and/or Water) in your energy work can help you to focus your energy, by virtue of the behaviour of each element, to help you achieve a desired outcome.
Each tool, or energy ally, that we use or align our personal power with, can act as a catalyst for our intentions to become our realities. Think of your favorite sport; it IS possible to go head to head, one on one against an opponent and score a goal against them. You can assume the roles of both offence and defence and play a game that you can win. This is demonstrated by a one on one game of basketball between two siblings or friends on the driveway using the net attached to the top of the garage.
However, if you desire to play a bigger game, you recruit some allies, build your team, define each teammate’s role, and suddenly you have gone from a small, one on one game, to a larger scale shirts and skins game. The more allies we have on our team, and knowing each of their strengths, can position us to win the game, in a bigger way, than playing alone.
So, for the sake of our mystical path of psychic energy work, consider the elemental energies your teammates, helping you to win your desired goal!