Module Twenty
Reiki Level I (Part Two)
Now that you have an understanding of Reiki, its history, and have been attuned, it is time to begin practicing the applications of Reiki. If you have NOT yet been attuned, please schedule your attunement ceremony before continuing on.
Reiki energy works on each level of mind, body, and spirit. By acknowledging and surrendering to your readiness to heal and release stored emotions, memories, and beliefs you are able to usher in a new lifestyle that embraces healing yourself in a new and powerful way. Trust your intuition. Your ego will try to claim dominance by causing you to doubt yourself and the healing energy of Reiki - tricking you to spiral into any emotions that come forward. Instead, watch your emotions and don’t buy into the story that they attach to. Allow yourself to witness your emotions as a conscientious observer and you will be better equipped to facilitate the rise and release of said emotions. You may start to observe that many issues present themselves to you in your dreams after your attunement. This is normal and it may be beneficial for you to write your dreams down upon waking to monitor what emotions are coming up for you whether in dreams or in waking. You can make time to meditate on your dreams and decide if they are something that you wish to pursue releasing further. Many times just acknowledging your emotions can be enough to allow them to pass and release.
Although the attunements process aligns you with Reiki energy, your ability to be a conduit will grow only with practice. After your ceremony you will want to perform a self treatment each day, ideally twice a day. We are in an ideal state of mind first thing in the morning and before sleep at night, and so these times would be perfect to set aside time to perform your self treatments.
Reiki energy is NOT sent, but rather, it is DRAWN INTO the recipient from the practitioner. This is what separates Reiki from other types of energy healing modalities. The practitioner should never attempt to manipulate the energy OR decide where the energy should go. The practitioner’s job is to witness and observe the energy. Because the practitioner’s focus is on BEING and not DOING they are able to channel Reiki energy without using their own personal power and, as a result, will leave the session feeling empowered by the energy that was drawn through them in each session. This is a burrowed benefit of the Reiki healing modality.
If you are practitioner of other healing modalities which calls on you to use and direct your own energy, we suggest initially keeping your Reiki energy sessions separate from other modalities so that you can become accustomed to using ONLY Reiki energy during sessions. Your continued practice will ensure that your intuition is made stronger as you progess in your abilities as a conduit for Reiki energy.
Try to meditate daily for at least three weeks after your attunement ceremony.
Reiki Applications
“Heal yourself first, then family, then friends, then clients.
- Madame Takata
When you feel ready to begin practicing Reiki, you will want to first focus on self treatment before practicing on pets, or anyone else. Adopting a regular self treatment Reiki practice will give you experience and confidence before working with others as well as re-charging your own battery.
Below are the traditional hand positions for Reiki practitioners. We suggest you hold each position for three to five minutes initially. Once you have mastered these hand positions, you may allow your intuition to guide your self treatments.
It may be beneficial for you to focus on ‘drawing in’ Reiki energy with every inhale. With every exhale concentrate on releasing any energy that is not serving you.
Upon completion of each self treatment you should drink a large glass of cold water, close your eyes, and focus on your breath while intending the session is complete and express gratitude for the session.
If you feel lightheaded you may want to lay down and relax. It is quite common to fall asleep during self treatments. If this happens just begin where you remember leaving off once you awaken.
Reiki energy will always go where it is needed most for the recipient. One difference in working with animals is that they may move around to guide you to where they may need the energy directed. Animals may also indicate when the session is completed for them by assuming their regular activity or moving away.
Reiki energy healing can be used in a multitude of ways including on plants and vegetation, food and drink, land, crystals, technology, etc.
Continue to homework for Module Twenty