Module Nineteen Homework

Please complete the following quiz before booking your attunement time.

Attunement Process


Keep in mind that we are all already connected to Reiki energy. However, the attunement process helps your body/mind to begin clearing stagnant personal energy so that you are a clear channel to receive and be a conduit for Reiki energy to flow through you.

Before receiving the Level I attunements there are some things you may wish to do to prepare. These guidelines are optional but will help enhance your experience of the course and the attunements.

Try to avoid alcohol or recreational drugs for two to three days before the ceremony. If habitual, these substances can serve as coping mechanisms that hide the beliefs that are causing suffering. When ab- staining, our bodymind is alerted to the beliefs that are causing us to believe we have something to cope with in the first place and can then begin the work of dismantling those beliefs with Reiki energy. Im- portant: If you are consuming medication that is prescribed by your doctor, please continue to take the medication.

If possible, the day before your ceremony try to eat and drink consciously. Have a day of whole foods including legumes, fresh fruit, and vegetables. Just as with alcohol and recreational drugs, we use food and drink to
cope with stored energy and beliefs. By removing those crutches for a day, the stored energy, beliefs and memories that are not serving your highest self will become appar- ent for your body to begin healing.

Meditating each day for a week before receiving your attune- ments and ideally every day after can be very helpful. This will help you to become a clear conduit for Reiki energy.

If there is a period of time you will have to wait before your ceremony, having a daily meditation practice in place during that time will help you begin the shifts and you can then transition it to a daily Reiki self-treatment afterwards.

You can continue working through the course material as you feel called to. Some students choose to wait and sit with the infor- mation they have learned up to this point while other students decide to move forward. Follow what feels right for you.

During the attunement ceremony, the Reiki Master performs a routine that includes the Reiki symbols rediscovered by Dr. Usui. This ceremony is set for the highest good of the student and is intended to strengthen the connection between the student and Reiki energy.

A comparison would be just as you can program a radio station to specific channels or a phone number into your contact list, we can program ourselves to specific energetic frequencies. After the attune- ments, you have Reiki energy as a favorite and can access it whenever you wish.

Although you previously had access to Reiki energy, the attunement process ensures as the receiver you are clear and ready to receive the signal.

The attunement process generally takes 20-30 minutes. As the recipient, you just need to find a quiet space where you can relax. You may find playing some music or meditating during this time helpful.

In this course, we will perform the attunements from a distance. This means that you do not need to go anywhere or use technology (phone, internet etc.) to receive the attunements.

During the time scheduled for your attunements, you may find you experience sensations or see images. You may find that you fall asleep. You may not notice anything at all. There is no correct experience and in each case, the ceremony is complete and successful.

During the attunement ceremony, some people experience energy running through specific areas of the body. Others feel emotions rising while some students fall asleep. Some students do not have any sensations or images during the ceremony. Not experiencing sensations is not an in- dication of the shifts your body is processing on an energetic level.

Please remember that just as you are unique and there is no one else on this world like you, your experience with Reiki will also be special.

Some students find that after receiving their attunements, they can sense the energy flowing through their hands at different times. If you do not sense the energy right away that is completely okay. Re- member that our body is only able perceive a fraction of the energy that surround us. It may time a little time for your body to refine its ability to perceive Reiki.

You may also find that your hands emanate energy when they are around people who need Reiki. This can feel like heat or cold in your hands and body. Over time you will get adjusted to the sensations and may find that the feelings shift over time and depending on who you are with. If you find your hands heating up and feeling uncom- fortable, take a deep breath and set the intention that you allow Reiki to flow freely through you.

Your bodymind will also begin clearing and releasing of energy that is stagnant and no longer serving your highest good. The Reiki attunement has a powerful healing influence on the mind body and spirit, activating all seven chakras, beginning with the root, and ending at the crown chakra.

You may not feel any significant shifts right away. If you do start to feel some releases, surrender and know that your body is preparing you for healing and to be able to channel Reiki energy which is a higher level frequency. When you release the stored energy that is blocking the flow of energy through you, your body can be a clear conduit for heal- ing. You may experience minor symptoms of physical cleansing and detoxification. Although some people call this a healing crisis, it is dif- ferent because in this case, your body is choosing what to balance and shift. Nothing outside of you is forcing change.

If you are noticing changes, it is your body releasing dissonant energy including stored beliefs and memories that no longer serve you. Listen to your body. Rest when you need to, go outside and breathe when you can.

It is also very important that you perform a daily self-treatment on yourself. Place your hands on your body and allow Reiki to infuse your body with energy and allow it to process any stored energy, beliefs and memories smoothly and easily. You will also want to meditate daily.

The consumption of adequate amounts of water will also help this process flow smoothly. Some students note that they develop a headache, and ensuring you are hydrated can assist with this.

Please click on the button below to choose a time and date for your Reiki Level I Attunement Ceremony. Click on the “FREE DIVINATION” option for a 30 minute session.