Make a list in your journal of any instances you can think of where you have given away your personal power.


“I didn’t speak up when my boss unfairly reprimanded me or my co-workers when I knew they were wrong.”

“I allowed my fear to prevent me from taking the opportunity that I’ve been longing for.”

“ I self-sabotaged my new passion project for fear of being seen.”

Once you’ve written down a fair amount of instances where you’ve allowed your personal power to be diminished, create a ritual to cleanse yourself of any energy that is not your own, and call back the power of your personal truth.

Use the ritual below as a template to create your own meaningful ritual to restore your own sense of personal power. You can try performing this ritual and then adjusting it in any way that feels aligned with your intuition. Please share your ritual in the private Modalities of the Mystic Discord server.

Ritual Bath for Cleansing Energy

  • 1 cup epsom salt (or any other type of bath salt)

  • 3 drops of rosemary essential oil

  • 3 drops orange essential oil

  • 3 drops of lemongrass essential oil

  • 1 black candle

  • 1 white candle

  • journal

Run a warm bath with the ingredients listed above.

Light the black candle on the side of the tub (or somewhere nearby your tub).

Once in the bath, take out your list from your journal and affirm:

“I acknowledge that I gave away my personal power when I _________________” (read aloud each instance from your list)

“Thank you to the spirit of rosemary, orange, and lemongrass for helping me to rid myself of the influence of any spirit, entity, energy, or circumstance that is not of the most high good for all. I allow this bath to cleanse me of any energy that I picked up along the way that is not the energy of my own truth and personal power.”

As you bathe, envision the superfluous and alien energies being drawn from you, into the black candle, and burned and transmuted by the energy of the flame into neutral energy. Soak for at least 20 minutes.

Once you feel that the cleansing bath is complete, exit the tub and drain all the water. Once the black candle has burned down, dispose of it outside of your home.

Next, light the white candle and either lay down or sit in a meditative posture. In your mind’s eye, see the flame of the candle as a beacon, magnetizing any energy or power that you have lost, or given away throughout your life.


“By the energy of the flame, I call back to me any energy and the personal power of my truth that I may have lost along the way.”

Relax and feel the energy coming back to you.