Having dipped our toes into the proverbial pool of the four main elemental energies of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, this week let’s take some time in quiet contemplation of how these energies are at work in our daily life experiences at all times and write them down in your journal.

For example:

“I led a meditation at a local spiritual circle and I was very in the flow of Spirit. It came effortlessly and easy and I could feel the presence of Source. I know that the elemental energy of Air was present in this experience.”

“My partner and I had an amazing date night, leading to an amazing night in the bedroom. I know that the elemental energy of Fire was present in this experience.”

“My partner and I had a huge fight yesterday. I know that the energy of Fire was present in this experience.” and so on.

You’ll notice that the elemental energy of Fire is present in two very experientially opposite circumstances. Remember, that with fire you can cook a man’s supper, but you can also cook the man!

We love hearing from you, so please remember to share your homework on our private discord server!