Welcome to week nineteen soul work!
Sometimes, in the midst of the FEELING of our emotions, it can be difficult to give words to, or to talk through our emotions; and that’s okay! It’s sometimes more important to FEEL our way through our emotions instead of efforting so hard to find the right words to express them. While there IS immense value in expressing how we feel, it’s important to realize that there are more ways than one to express yourself, and that doesn’t always include words.
This art therapy project is designed to help you work through your feelings through other forms of expression. When we can let our emotions pass through us by creative expression, it can often times give us more clarity on what we are feeling before we try to express it through words.
Using the template below, use whatever creative medium (pencils, paint, crayons, glue, glitter, etc) to express visually what each of the emotions on the emotion wheel feel like to you.