For your art project this month we have a really powerful and fun activity that will amp up your intention setting when it comes to setting money goals.

  • Get a glass container filled with distilled water (holy water is great if you have access to it!)

  • Write on a strip of paper a very specific intention or money goal, such as “I desire to donate at least $50 a month to the charity of my choice”

  • Affix your written desire ‘faced in’ on your bottle of water

  • Every day, spend 7 minutes in contemplation or meditation around your intention for money

  • Hold your bottle for at least 3 minutes and infuse all of your intention into your bottle of water. FEEL the experience as ‘already happened’ and feel the gratitude you would feel as if it has already happened.

  • Place your bottle in your home where you will see and be reminded of it throughout your day.

  • Say the following prayer out loud :

Dear God/Universe/Angels,

I surrender to You who I am, what I have, and what I do. May my life and talents be used in whatever way serves You best. I surrender to You my failures and any pain still in my heart. I surrender to You my successes and the hopes that they contain. May the light of Your Love shine deep within my heart and extend through me to bless the world.
Amen, So be it, And so it is.

—Marianne Williamson
