Welcome to your week seven soul work! The third week of each month’s work will be dedicated to creative expression and/or some form of art therapy.

This week we have a picture for you to print and use as a template for a visual representation of your old limiting belief systems and your new, more empowered beliefs.

On the left side of the image, using black and/or gray…fill the image with words, phrases, or images that represent your past beliefs and egoic thoughts. You will notice that on the left side of the image the figure’s eye is closed; indicating how our old patterns and beliefs can keep us blinded to the fact that we are magnificent and wondrous creators of our life experiences.

On the right side…use a full spectrum of color to illustrate the life that you truly desire and DESERVE! The right side of the figure has opened eyes to the awareness of all that is and all that can be. Have fun creating the vibrancy of your new belief systems and step boldly into the technicolor beauty of your new life!