creating new experiences.
by Val White
There is a saying that was made quite popular, in spiritual circles, by the movie “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrnes; “What you resist persists.” The moral of the saying is that when we try to change circumstances in our lives that we don’t love, or that are undesirable to us, by pushing against them or effort-ing to renovate the circumstance by taking action to change the situation, it usually only makes the matter more undesirable.
The reason for this is that what we are focusing all of our creative energy on is the unwanted circumstance. By virtue of the law of attraction when we focus our creative energy on anything, the object of our attention, and our awareness of that object, begins to grow. Therefore, it is far more beneficial to intentionally focus our creative energy on creating a new and more desirable experience than it is to try and change an old and undesirable experience.
We all are familiar with the word “Abracadabra”…no doubt it conjures images of a magician pulling a rabbit out of his top hat, but did you know that the word is actually Aramaic and it literally translates to “I create as I speak.”?
Our words are powerful and it’s important to be mindful and purposeful in the choosing of the words that we give energy to; this is why affirmations are a powerful tool in creating a life that is aligned with your desires. Throughout the Holiday Season it’s common to hear people complain about ‘commercialism’, ‘astronomical prices’, ‘too many people when shopping’, ‘the hectic pace of the season’. These people who lend their energy to complaining will undoubtedly have a negative experience of the holiday season because that is what they are creating for themselves as they speak these negative words…Abracadabra. Conversely, people who praise the things that they love about the season will speak into existence a joyful and peaceful holiday….Abracadabra! ‘I love Christmas music!’, ‘The lights on the trees are so beautiful!’, ‘It’s so lovely to watch the faces of the children as they stand in awe whilst waiting in queue to sit on the lap of Father Christmas and make known all of their Christmas wishes!
To help us focus our creative energy into the production of a joyful and peaceful holiday season I have created an affirmation in the form of an acronym!
“I AM C.O.N.C.E.P.T.” :
I am
Energy (through)
Prayer (and)
I suggest that you set an alarm on your phone several times a day to recite and reflect on this affirmation. Allow this reflection to remind you to re-focus your energy on the creation of the things that you desire to experience this holiday season!
Journal Prompts
What do you wish to create in your life right now?
Make a list of all that you desire in all areas of your life including health, finances, relationships, business, and anything else you can think of. DREAM BIG! Treat this list as a letter to Santa!