Residual haunting is probably the most common type of haunting that people have had experiences with. It is believed that residual haunts are the result of a traumatic or very stressful event which caused an energetic imprint on the environment in which the event occurred.

Residual haunting is commonly described as a videotape playing over and over again on a loop; Perhaps at the same time every evening or as a response to some sort of trigger which causes the loop to play. According the Paranormal Investigators of Milwaukee group:

“It is believed this kind of activity has a trigger which causes the “tape” to play and the activity to occur. The trigger may be a time of year, day or time of day, event such as an argument or someone crying, or even something like playing a game of cards.

“There is a theory that certain materials in the bedrock of locations such as quartz or having a running water source near the location such as a river can increase the chances of a residual haunting occurring.”

“ The entities involved in this residual haunting activity are unaware of their surroundings. This is not an intelligent haunting, there is no interaction between you and the entity. Residual haunting activity can also be caused by positive energy blasted into the atmosphere. Many times you have heard ghost stories, where people can hear the sounds of a party. They hear music, singing, dancing, laughter and when they enter the room where they hear the party, there is no one there. Residual haunting activity can be the specters of living beings.”


Intelligent haunting activity differs from residual haunting activity, in that, the spirit or entity is aware of the presence of the living participant and can communicate with them through touch, moving objects, and using their energy to communicate in an intelligent way to get noticed. 

These are the best kinds of haunts to investigate by trying to connect with the entities through various techniques including psychic interaction and many forms of capturing recordings using technological equipment such as EVP technology.

“As matter beings, we are all energy beings on the quantum level. We are made up of atoms and neutrons. As matter/energy beings we have intelligence. While we live, we have an energy aura that surrounds our living bodies. This aura is created by the millions of electrical currents that are created through our bodies. Our brains creates brain waves, a form of pure energy that is transmitting our thoughts, what we see, what we feel, etc.

When our mortal form dies, the aura that constantly surrounds our bodies, leaves our bodies. We lose 6 ounces on the instance of death. What is this 6 ounces? Perhaps it is energy leaving our body. Our soul. This energy, the aura, or you may even call it your soul, is carrying the information of what we used to be. If it can do this, then why couldn’t it also carry our intelligence? If it can carry our former intelligence of our previous life, then it should be able to interact with us intelligently. When we see this aura, we call it a ghost. If this ghost is able to interact with us, is aware of us, can touch us, can communicate with us, then this is an intelligent/interactive haunting.”

— Haunted Orange County Paranormal Tours and Events



Translated from the German word for “noisy ghost” a poltergeist is a troublesome spirit.

According to lore, poltergeists are ghosts or other supernatural beings responsible for physical disturbances such as loud noises and objects thrown around.. While these entities harass and torment the living, they usually only cause minor disturbances such as moving furniture, throwing around small objects, and creating loud sounds.  

Many films have been made on this type of haunting activity, due to the fact that the inexplicable nature of the poltergeist haunt can be quite frightening.


**If you think you are experiencing a demonic activity haunting, seek assistance immediately and do not try to communicate with the demonic entity on your own.

The demonic haunting activity is not one that should be taken lightly. The paranormal investigating group of Milwaukee outlines on their website:

“First and foremost, demonic hauntings are very dangerous and should not be treated lightly. Whether you believe in demons or not, a demonic haunting essentially has all the hallmarks of a poltergeist haunting except for a few exceptions.

The first is that many or all religious items displayed in the home will go missing or be turned around or upside down over a period of time. The second is the smell of sulfur just before or during when activity is occurring. A third thing that is sometimes noticed during these sorts of hauntings is it seems that one person is affected more than others and behavior changes are noted about that person.”

A demonic entity IS NOT and NEVER HAS BEEN human. While there are many theories and belief systems, taught throughout spiritual and religious tradition, as to where the demonic entity originated or indeed, what it even is - most agree that the energy of this type of entity was never a living person, but something altogether different.

While there are other types of hauntings, for the sake of this course we will only be focusing on the above and most common four types.