Module Four
For our final instalment of this section on personal power we will be experimenting with sending your energy to someone else, or how to use your energy for the benefit of another. Whether you’re goal is to become an energy healing practitioner, or simply to help heal your sick baby so that they may return to school (or to help heal your adult baby so that they can return to work and get out of your hair!), knowing how to cultivate your energy and lend it to the service of another is the next mystical milestone that we will pursue.
Later on, you will be learning different modalities of energy healing such as reiki, emotional freedom technique (tapping), and ho’oponopono. But, for now, the benefit of letting your intuition lead you in the sending of energy to someone else, will prove to be paramount in developing your own style of working within the parameters of well worn paths of energy working modalities when we arrive at them in a later module.
The important thing to consider is that when sending energy in service to another, you do not want to deplete your own energy. Instead of using your own personal power to help heal or improve the circumstances of another, you will want to use your PP to act as a conduit for Source energy to flow through you and to the individual you are energetically aiding.
I recently bought a new ‘lightning’ phone charger that brings my cell phone from completely dead to a full battery charge in just 15 to 20 minutes. While my old charger did an adequate job of taking the energy from the electric socket in my wall and transferring it to my phone’s battery, the upgraded charger conduits the energy in a more time efficient and more powerful way.
When you’re sending energy or performing an energy healing( or any type of energy work), you will want to identify with the upgraded charger. The work that you’ve done thus far to cultivate and amplify your own personal power upgrades you to be a more powerful and efficient conduit to move Source energy from the ethers and elemental charges, through yourself, and on to the intended recipient.