Module Ten

The term ‘spirit guides’ can sort of be like that one ‘junk drawer’ in the kitchen. It is the perfect spot for the most random of objects yet the description of its contents is near impossible to categorize. We hear a lot of talk about our ‘spirit guides’ yet few people seek to understand just who or what their spirit guides are. It is our goal to give you the tools to meet, commune, and receive some assistance from your spirit guides on your mystical path of psychic energy work. But first, let’s examine just what spirit guides could possibly be. 

It is important to distinguish the difference between ‘spirit allies’ and ‘spirit guides’ as we discuss them in this course. For our purposes we are using the term ‘spirit allies’ as energies, entities, or spirits that you have decidedly chosen to assist you in your magical workings. By this definition, the energies of the elements, the directions, solar and lunar energies can all be spirit allies, as you’ve chosen to work with them for a specific goal. Though these energies lack the personification as other forms of allies like ancestors, angels, or deities, the energies of the elements and such are distinct and specific enough to consider the energy an ally in your psychic energy work. Again, ancestors can be a part of your team of spiritual allies once you’ve met with them and asked if they want to join you in your endeavours, such as you did in last week’s module. 

When we discuss ‘spirit guides’ the major distinction is that we didn’t necessarily choose our spirit guides from this existence. There is a lot of talk and belief around the concept that when we incarnated, in this body, we came forth after having signed a ‘karmic contract’ which outlined all the work and lessons we came to accomplish and learn in this lifetime. This belief sometimes suggests that we knew who are guides would be and that we decided to work together at this time in our karmic evolution. However, this belief is sometimes overshadowed by a more common held belief that we are assigned a specific spirit guide from birth til death. I believe this spirit to be what we have commonly coined as our ‘guardian angel’. 

While it is believed that we all have that one ‘guardian angel’ whose main workings in this lifetime is to guide and support solely us, it is also believed that we also have spirit guides who come and go in our lives as needed. Still yet, there are spirit guides who are only with us for a specific time and for a specific reason in our growth and expansion. 

So, to recap, for the purposes of this course: ‘spirit allies’ - we chose to work with them, ‘spirit guides’ - could be assigned us and removes element of choice from our end (at least from our current state of awareness). 

Now, since certain spirit guides are assigned to us from birth and up until our passing, doesn’t it make a little bit of sense to get to know them and ask them if they would like to double up as a spirit guide AND a spirit ally? Yes! Since they already have a vested interest in your wellbeing, they could make a valuable team member. So, why not ask? You can use the same process of asking your spirit guide to assist you in your magical workings that you practiced with your ancestors to determine if they’d like to join your team of spiritual allies. 

Spirit guides (notice that there is an S at the end of that word) can present themselves to us in a myriad of ways and forms depending on what it is they are guiding us through at any given time. Angels, ancestors, animal totems (spirit animals), ascended masters, deities, nature spirits, and even your higher self are all forms of spirit guides that are present in many schools of spiritual thought and religious teachings. Think of your spirit guides as tour guides of the realms unseen who are helping you to navigate your life because they are more acquainted with the terrain. 

In the homework for today’s module you will gain access to a guided trance meditation that will lay the framework for you to connect with your spirit guides and to get to know them on a more intimate level. 

Please proceed to the homework for Module Ten.