Module Thirteen

So far, you’ve laid the foundations of understanding your personal power, learned how to align with elemental energies and during astrological correspondence timings, and how to petition ally energies and spirits, all for the purpose of setting yourself up for success in your psychic energy work or magick. 

Now that you have a good understanding of creating a working environment conducive to the manifestation of your goals, and building relationships with your spiritual support team, it’s time to start discovering the modalities that resonate best with your personal style.

Over the next few weeks we will be experimenting with different mediums of divination or the ‘seeking of knowledge of the future, or the unknown, through various methods of ritual’. Divination is a great ‘go-to’ practice to help you to fine-tune your focus on a particular subject with the use of some sort of divination medium or tool. We will be covering several divination techniques that have been used throughout history to gain insight from our spiritual support team. 

Today, we are going to be delving into the practice of scrying:

  • Scrying is a form of divination which employs the use of reflection to discern images from the past, present, or future. 

  • Common scrying tools include crystal or glass balls, mirrors, black mirrors (sometimes called witches mirrors), and water. 

  • In folk magick traditions scrying is most often used for fortune-telling and prophecy. 

Scrying dates back to around 3000 BCE with references in early Chinese, Egyptian, and Greek history. The book of Genesis references a chalice that Joseph uses for fortune-telling. French astronomer-turned-prophet, Nostradamus, practiced scrying in a bowl of water to divine his, now famous, prophecies and predictions. And, even Joseph Smith was rumoured to have used ‘seer stones’ to translate the text engraved on the golden plates, which is what is believed to be what became the Book of Mormon. So, as you can see, the practice of scrying is found across history, cultures, and belief systems. 

It is believed that scrying helps to tap into ones self conscious, which is why it is a great method for receiving messages from members of our spiritual support teams. It is also a great meditation technique for self-reflection. 

My best advice is to keep an open mind and avoid jumping to conclusions about what an image might represent. The symbols and visions that come through while scrying can have multiple meanings. Take time after each scrying session to carefully reflect on everything you saw. Use your intuition along with dream interpretation books to help decipher the metaphors and messages. Over time, you’ll develop your own symbolic vocabulary and get better at unraveling the mysteries of scrying.
— Joanna Gerard (Psychic & Astrologer)

In the homework for the coming weeks, we will be practicing several modalities of divination and scrying. 

Please continue to the homework for this module.