Module Two
In continuing the theme of Personal Power (PP), in this module we will be focusing on cultivating your personal energy.
Every thing in existence is comprised of energy, all energy vibrates at a certain frequency, and this doesn’t exclude you! Every cell in your body is vibrating at different frequencies that comprise the wholeness of your physical body. Your brain creates energy through the synapses every time it passes neurons from one neuro-pathway to the next. With every beat of your heart, electromagnetic energy is created inside your body and that energy also creates an electromagnetic sphere starting from inside your body and extending into your energetic body and aura (think force field).
In ancient Vedic belief, there are seven main energy centers in the body that run from the base of the spine all the way to the top of the head. These energy centers are called “chakras”, and each chakra vibrates at different frequencies. These frequencies correspond with the energy of varied emotional states, physical conditions, and life circumstances.
When the chakras are aligned, the energy can easily flow from one energy center to the next. However, if the chakras are imbalanced the flow of energy can become blocked and result in stagnation that can manifest in many forms of physical ailment or emotional discontentment. Each energy center can be brought into balance through many forms of energy healing like reiki, polarity healing, emotion/body code work, etc. The chakras can also be balanced through color therapy (because each of the seven main chakras vibrates at a frequency that matches the frequencies of seven corresponding colors) , diet, yoga, sound frequencies like solfeggio frequencies, and with the use of crystals and aromatherapy.
When the chakras are balanced, allowing free flow of energy throughout the energy systems, it opens the possibility of having a kundalini awakening. The kundalini’s believe that every person has life energy that lies coiled at the base of the spine. Through a series of meditations, yoga kriyas, Sanskrit mantras, and balancing of the chakras, that energy can uncoil and flow from the base of the spine (root chakra) to the top of the head (crown chakra) and create an energetic response and spiritual experience that can be described as pure bliss.
It is our goal for this module that through a bit of tuning into the energy centers in your body with some regularity, you can start to sense when the energy is in full flow and when the flow of energy may be pinched off. By becoming adept at sensing this life force energy, at any given time, you will begin to develop an ease with shifting the currents of energy at will.
Below you will find a chart that breaks down the seven main chakras, their corresponding colors, and other modes of corresponding tools for the achievement of balancing the energy systems in the body.