Mindful living, living in alignment with our purpose, our core values and emotions, and being intentional about our goals all sounds really great doesn’t it? But the truth is, these things aren’t always easy. Throughout our journey of spiritual learning we have accumulated many tools that we can use when we get thrown out of alignment of thought, practice and execution of our goals. EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique, is one of the most effective tools to regulate ourselves when our nervous systems get highjacked by fear. We suggest practicing this technique any time you feel overwhelmed by the circumstances you encounter in your life that seem uncontrollable.

Here is the detailed process of how to use EFT:

  • Identify your emotional trigger and rate it from 1 - 10, 1 being low and 10 being high) ex, “I feel overwhelmed and it’s a 9”

  • Lightly tap on the side of your hand (formerly known as the karate chop point) while saying: “Even though I feel __________, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.” (Repeat this for a total of three times).

  • Next, lightly tap on the top of your head and say “I feel __________.”

  • Tap on the INSIDE OF THE EYEBROW and say “I feel ____________.”

  • Side of eye “I feel ____________.”

  • Under eye “I feel ____________.”

  • Under nose “I feel ____________.”

  • Chin “I feel ____________.”

  • Under arm “I feel ____________.”

  • Gamut point “I feel ____________.”