Creating visual representations of your goals, such as vision boards or imagery, is highly effective for embedding them into your subconscious because our brain processes visuals faster and more powerfully than words alone. Visuals create emotional connections, activating the brain's reticular activating system (RAS), which helps focus attention on opportunities and actions aligned with the goals. By repeatedly seeing these images, the subconscious mind internalizes them as achievable realities, reinforcing motivation and inspiring consistent action toward manifestation.

This week we are going to create a visual representation of your revolution blue print from last week! By creating a visual representation we are solidifying our purpose centered intentions and setting us up for even more success in achieving our goals.

To create your visual representation you will need the following items:

  • Large paper or poster board

  • Pencil

  • Markers

  • Glue stick or glue

  • Magazines or print outs of images that reflect your goal

  • Scissors

1) Begin by drawing a tree including the trunk and your six goal criteria from your Revolution Blueprint from Module Two.


2) Write your purpose statement from Module One along the bottom of your paper, and your two core emotions/values in the trunk of the tree itself. Finally, write the categories of your goals on each of the branches (relationships, health, business, etc.)

3) Create the leaves on your branches by clipping from magazines or computer print outs of images that resonate as visual representations of your goals and affix them to your tree.

4) Hang or place your finished tree somewhere you will see it often!